7 Foods That Can Make You In Good Mood Instantly!

//7 Foods That Can Make You In Good Mood Instantly!

7 Foods That Can Make You In Good Mood Instantly!

Feeling sad or angry? What if we told you that there are certain easily available foods that can improve your mood in a jiffy?

Well, yes, there are foods to improve your memory, foods to reduce pain, similarly, there are a variety of common foods that can boost your mood by releasing certain feel-good hormones in your brain.

If you are in a bad mood, upset or cranky, it can spoil your entire day and come in the way of your work, social activities, etc.

The cause for feeling low is usually the depletion of dopamine and serotonin, two hormones produced in your brain that are responsible for being positive and having happy thoughts.

The lack of dopamine or serotonin can make a person feel agitated, depressed, etc., so it is important to nourish your brain with certain foods that can help boost the production of these hormones, in order to improve your mood.

A healthy diet can help boost your mood in general, but these specific foods aim at improving your mood naturally, have a look at the list of foods, here.

1. Bread

Mood-improving foods include bread, as bread is rich in carbohydrates that can reach the brain cells quickly and boost the production of serotonin.

2. Chocolate

Yet another tasty mood-improving food is chocolate, especially dark chocolate, as it contains exceptional antioxidants that can elevate your mood instantly and also treat symptoms of depression.

3. Spinach

Natural ingredients that can boost your mood include spinach, as this leafy green is rich in iron content that can improve the blood flow to your brain, in order to improve your mood.

4. Oranges

Foods that can treat depression and elevate your mood can include orange, as this citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C and folate that can help boost the dopamine levels.

5. Fish

Natural ingredients to improve your mood include fish, as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely good for boosting serotonin levels.

6. Saffron

Saffron is yet another natural ingredient for boosting good mood, as it comes with anti-depressant properties. It can also reduce mood swings during PMS to a great extent.

7. Coconut

A common mood-improving food is coconut, as the omega-3 fatty acids in coconut has the ability to stimulate the production of serotonin and also to soothe your nerves.

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2016-12-09T01:25:37+08:00 December 8th, 2016|rehabsupplies|0 Comments

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